Research at VyatSU

Representatives of the Pirelli & C company met with the leadership of the VyatSU

  • 28 June 2013, 12:10
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2918
Pirelli invites Vyatka State University for cooperation

Vyatka State University met foreign guests on July 5. Representatives of the Pirelli & C company visited the university to discuss the prospects for cooperation and joint activities in the field of education and scientific and applied research.

The meeting with the leadership of VyatSU was attended by the head of R&D Pirelli in Russia David Kiroski, the person responsible for R&D Pirelli in Kirov Edson Marubayashi, and the technical director of OAO KShZ Vladimir Darovskoy.

VyatSU Rector Valentin Pugach, welcoming the guests, noted that VyatSU is the largest university in the region, the only one that trains engineering specialists. The most developing and demanded areas of activity of the university are: mechanical engineering, energy, construction, organic and inorganic chemistry. In particular, for the tire industry, specialists are trained in the direction of "Chemical Technology" in the profile "Technology for the processing of plastics and elastomers".

– Our university has been cooperating with the Kirov Tire Plant from the very foundation, – said the rector, – and the arrival of a new large company will give impetus to new scientific and educational cooperation.

Vice-rector for educational and methodological work Sergey Fomin spoke in more detail about the university, its activities, scientific work in the technical direction and training of engineering personnel.

David Kirosky delivered a response, noting the company's high interest in cooperation. Pirelli & C has project ideas for teaching, collaborative research, recruiting and helping the university.

Representatives of the Italian company and the leadership of the university agreed that cooperation should be continued and it would be beneficial for all parties.

- We need to exchange specific proposals for joint work, - stressed Valentin Nikolayevich. - It is desirable that they are not formal, but meaningful, with specific proposals and activities.

It is assumed that Vyatka State University will be included in the list of the world's leading universities and the only Russian university supported by grants from Pirelli. And in the coming days, the possibility of implementing joint scientific projects on topics related to obtaining rubber with improved performance in difficult Russian conditions will be discussed.

Representatives of Pirelli & C expressed a practical interest in what the university is doing and asked for a tour. They visited the scientific and educational center of polymeric materials and laboratories and the department of chemistry and technology of processing elastomers, asked in detail about the equipment, methods. The staff showed the guests how the devices work and how they are used in the study.


For reference: Pirelli is one of the leading manufacturers of high-quality tires, the fifth largest in terms of income. Date of foundation - 1872. The group is represented in more than 160 countries, has 22 tire production facilities on five continents. Since the end of 2011, the company has become the owner of the Kirov Tire Plant.

Vyatka State University has been cooperating with the tire plant for a long time and has implemented a number of joint projects. There were several targeted graduations at the university, and specialists are currently working at the enterprise. The plant provides research materials for students and graduate students, provides other assistance.
